Tutorial: You need to deal with broken geometry from other 3d-packages? Learn how to fix stuff in Blender

Tutorial: How to do a road on a sloped terrain? Something like a Mountain Road? In Blender? Here’s a workflow!

Blender is a phantastic modelling software. In this video we show a couple of advanced modelling techniques.

Tutorial for Blender:
Want to place your road on a terrain – 100% flexible? – in Blender? – Great! Hop in!

Photoscanning something tranparent or shiny? That’s tricky! We might have something for you!

Cutout People:
Finding good people on skies is hard, so we did this collection of wintersport people for you and for free!

Tutorial: You need to create some basic snowshader for simple objects? This tutorial is for Blender – hope you enjoy!

Tutorial: Model a carwheel within 10 minutes! Want to learn some techniques new in 3d modeling? Try this!

Cutout People: Are you prepared for winter? These cutout people should at least help you with your illustrations and archviz stuff..

Tutorial: It’s not easy to add fine details to a subsurface model – here we show how you can do it in 3ds Max

Tutorial: Always a tricky task – how to insert a road into a terrain, especially if you are talking about moutain streets. Learn more here!

Tutorial: Need some quick windows? Here’s a quick workflow in 3ds-Max that you can recycle again and again.

Yes, we are also very excited about Blender. Here’s a little / tutorial introduction to get you started modelling!

Wanna do some epic landscape shots in 3ds Max? So do we! Let us show you how you can make use of some displacement tricks to do some nice landscapes – no plugins required!

Are you a 3ds-Max user and have never used the volume select? Sit down, watch and learn. It’s worth the time!

Remember our cutout collections ? Since they were quite popular, we added another dimension: An interactive lightmixer!

For ages we all have been craving for “good” 3d data of cities. Here’s some relief – fire up Blender and download pretty whatever you need for 99% free.

Review / Article:
We took another thorough look at Blender and discovered some amazing new developments, that are quite interesting for studios like us! Read here.

3d people set:
Tired of photoshopping your people into your renderings? This second set of 3d-people might make things easier here.

3d Scan:
Winter is coming. And when it finally does these two characters might just be helpfull to be put into your scene.

Interactive Demo:
Wander across vast snowscapes and discover the hidden chambers of our 007-winter chalet?

3d people collection:
Our cutouts got a third dimension! Check out this set of 3d-guys that you can drop straight into your 3d-scene

Texture Pack:
We just can’t stop doing them! This set should help you to have some peoples for views from high above!

Want to enliven your coffee scene?…basically anything where a lot of people would be sitting? Then this pack might come in handy!

Vray Pattern Asset:
Want to use Vray Pattern quickly? Here is a grass patch nicely prepared in this sample scene.

Product Feature:
Introduction to VrayPattern. We know, it’s hard to grasp, but once you got the concept, you sure don’t want to miss it!

Model set:
In true Xmas-spirit we share this set of fine toy classics for free download and commercial use.

This artist knows how to blow thing up. Meet Anselm von Serherr-Thoss, a true artist of destruction.

Particle Scenes:
Here’s some particle scenes Anselm von Seherr-Thoss gives for free! No secrets, it’s all laid out!

City Backplates:
You’ve got the action, our friend Dirk brought some good places to put them in scene.

Model Set:
This Set of Muji-inspired 3d-Accessoires breathes life into your kitchen interior visuals.