10 free cutout trees from Tony Textures

You never have enough textures – therefor we are glad to share with you this special free download of 10 cutout trees graphics in .PNG format with proper alpha – ready-to-use for some post processing jobs.
Tony from tonytextures.com kindly shared this package with us! And here is the best part: You are allowed to use the images for your commercial renderings as well! So grab your copy, grow your own library and bring life to your next architecture illustration.


If you need even more free architectural cg-resources like textures, background graphics etc. for your next illustration or rendering task you might be interested in Tony’s “openArchiVIZpack” which comes along with 60 cutout trees, plants and people silhouettes and other related graphics like tileable textures or nice background images for your renderings.


If you need even more input for your next creative challenge Tony published a wide “4000+ Photo Texture Library” with architecture related materials, background sceneries etc.


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