product feature: V-Ray pattern – grass asset

If you decide to give VrayPattern a shot, we have some basic stuff to get you going. Here is a patch of grass that we did a while ago that is perfectly suited to be used within VP. Opposed to other Mass-scattering engines Vray-Pattern works best with rectangular patches since it is based on UV-coordinates. Therefor here is something rather “square”!

A rectangular grasspatch, like Vray Pattern needs them

To give you the best opportunity to explore the setup we included a complete sample scene along. It’s sonething simple, but it also includes some settings concerning the randomization function you might like,

The scene is saved in Max 2010 and Vray 2.0 . That’s it! Happy gardening … btw, you should be able to render the testscene with the demo alright …

Team xoio

A quick screenshot of the scene



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