Cutout People:
Finding good people on skies is hard, so we did this collection of wintersport people for you and for free!

Tutorial: You need to create some basic snowshader for simple objects? This tutorial is for Blender – hope you enjoy!

Cutout People: Are you prepared for winter? These cutout people should at least help you with your illustrations and archviz stuff..

Remember our cutout collections ? Since they were quite popular, we added another dimension: An interactive lightmixer!

3d people collection:
Our cutouts got a third dimension! Check out this set of 3d-guys that you can drop straight into your 3d-scene

Texture Pack:
We just can’t stop doing them! This set should help you to have some peoples for views from high above!

Want to enliven your coffee scene?…basically anything where a lot of people would be sitting? Then this pack might come in handy!